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zhou(作)   世界兵器  2025-01-03 01:09:25


早在古希腊时期,著名的斯巴达国王莱库格斯就颁布了一项法令,禁止使用投石索(sling)作为武器。这种武器的射程远且准确性较高,但因其可以轻易穿透盔甲并造成严重伤害,因此被视为过于残酷而不适合使用。类似的例子还包括罗马帝国时期的“龟甲阵”(testudo formation),这是一种防御性的战术而不是一种具体的武器,但它也被认为是过于残暴而被禁止。



Theban Legion's Battle Standard Theban Legion was a famous Roman legion, known for its legendary battle standard. This standard was said to be a miraculous banner that had the power to inspire courage and fear in soldiers, depending on which side it flew. It was believed to have been given by God to the legion as a sign of His protection and favor. The story goes that during the reign of Emperor Maximian, when the legion refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, they were ordered to march into Gaul without their standard. However, legend has it that the standard rose up from the ground at the command of Saint Ammonius, the leader of the legion, and followed them into battle despite being left behind. Theban Legion fought bravely with this divine symbol flying above them until they reached Switzerland where they faced execution for their faith. Their stand against idolatry became an enduring testament to Christian resistance under persecution.

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